Warming Up to Working Out


Pure Austin Fitness owner and workout guru Beto Boggiano provides workout tips for men to stay active, healthy and jolly during the holiday season.

G Style:

Why is it so important for men to maintain a regular exercise regimen?

Beto Boggiano:

Men are creatures of habit. Once they get in to a routine, they are more likely to stick with it. So if they set a regimen where their workouts are planned, they are likely going to follow through. Consistency is the most important thing in any workout plan. Long-term consistency will create major results. Men should also understand that exercise has more than physical benefits. It will improve their mental acuity, their emotional outlook, their ability to perform at work and in life. Because men are so performance-driven, anything they do (like working out regularly) that leads them to improved results will likely be something they stick with.

G Style:

With the holidays becoming so busy for everyone, what is the best way for men to get some sort of physical activity in every day?

Beto Boggiano:

The best way to keep physical activity on the top of the priority list during the holiday season is to do just that – put it on top of the priority list. Make an appointment with yourself that is irrevocable – and then get to it. Keep in mind that it is not a selfish act to make time for exercise; it will improve the quality of all areas of your life. The best way is to make a plan, set an appointment with yourself, and then get out the door.

G Style:

During the holidays, we all tend to eat more, especially foods that are high in fat and calories. During this time of year, should men focus on working out one particular region of the body (the stomach or arms, for example), or is it best to always work the entire body?

Beto Boggiano:

As with women, the most time-effective way men can workout is to do multi-joint exercises that work several different muscles at once, rather than an isolated exercise such as a bench press or bicep curl, which only uses one body part at a time. While isolating body parts is a targeted way to build specific muscles, there are rarely situations in real life where we use muscles in isolation. Usually muscles are used in groups, so more effective exercises will also target several muscles at once. Think of multi-joint exercises as multi-tasking for your body.

G Style:

How important is it for men to include other types of exercise besides lifting weights?

Beto Boggiano:

Just as women tend to focus more on cardiovascular or aerobic exercise to the exclusion of weight training, men are more likely to focus on weights and weight training to the exclusion of cardiovascular exercise. It’s probably because weight training seems more manly and familiar: building muscle, getting big, letting out aggression by pumping iron. While this is a great way to relieve stress, weight training should not be done to the exclusion of cardiovascu- lar exercise. Cardiovascular exercise will strengthen your lungs and heart more effectively so that, essentially, you pump blood more efficiently. This translates in to better health in the long run, looking better and being able to better keep weight off. The best cardiovascular training is long term and consistent. It might not seem natural at first, but it’s really important to find some kind of aerobic activity you enjoy, hopefully more than one, and start enjoying them even more, because it is something you will want to keep up the rest of your life.

G Style:

The holidays can be stressful. What are the best workout tools and routines men can use as a means of reducing stress during the holidays?

Beto Boggiano:

During the holidays, social and other pressures and time commitments tend to mean that people devote less time to their workouts. This is not necessarily the best way to stay jolly under stress, but it happens. So, the best approach is to create some time, every day, for a workout. Even the busiest, most successful people are able to carve out some time every day for a workout. The workout does not have to involve the gym or a specific time frame. Even 20 minutes of running or cycling, or 20 minutes of working out in your backyard is better than doing nothing. Prioritize your health every day – especially if you are getting stressed!

