

It's Monday, and we all know what Monday means, starting off your week with that dreadful pile of work that you've temporarily neglected as...


On Sunday, April 6, Jillian Michaels will make Austin her last stop in Texas as she takes the stage at the Long Center on April...


If you've driven across West 6th in the last few months, you may have noticed the snazzy sign reading "PureRyde" in the Pressler Gables...


Mirror mirror on the wall, do you like what you see at all? Body image is a multifaceted construct of perception, imagination, emotions, and cognitive...


Spring is here and, for most of us, it’s the time of year for rejuvenation. Slipping out from under the cathartic grip of “winter”...


I wish I knew how many times a client had professed their lack of willpower to me.  How does the old saying go, "If...


Anyone who lived through the 80's has to remember the sign-off line of every episode of the TV show, G.I. Joe, "Knowing is half...


'Tis the season... for abandoned New Year’s resolutions! With 2013 rolling around, it’s time again for setting, and then giving up on, our New...

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