

Halloween and Thanksgiving and New Year’s and Valentine’s Day and President’s Day Weekend are over and you’re really ready to tackle that promise you...


What’s your resolution for 2012? Does it include weight loss, detoxification, increased energy and vitality? Are you worried you won’t accomplish your goal? As...


It is that time of year when Americans start thinking about going on a diet. The holiday season is over, and with it, most...


Far too many people in today’s
 fast-paced world are living an overstressed, overextended and sometimes
 even unfulfilled life. Too much work and
 never-ending demands...


I can’t think of any disease that is more closely related to nutrition than type 2 diabetes. Poor nutrition plays an important role in...


Last issue we were talking about lifestyle changes, workout ideas and surmounting potential fitness roadblocks in the new year. How’s it going? Hopefully, you...


CLEANSE. RENEW. As we enter a new year and you’re thoughts turn once again to your health, you may be asking yourself, “Why should...


The beginning of the year is a very busy time in the pharmacy industry and now is when I can best use my clinical...

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