Stories of Marriage Equality – Submit yours now!

Marriage Equality

Let’s celebrate marriage equality together! Are you a same-sex married couple and want to share your story? Send an email to with the following and we will post your story to our site for you to share with friends, family and the world!

Our names:
When and where we met:
When and where we married:
Get to know us: (your story in your words)

Feel free to submit up to four photos and/or a video to accompany the story. And be sure to indicate who took the photo/video for credit and that you have permission to share their work with us!

Cheers to love!

For example, our submission would be:
Our names: Alisa Weldon & Lynn Yeldell
When and where we met: June 2006, Jo’s on 2nd in Austin, Texas
When and where we were married: June 2013, the home of Judge Heitler in New York City
Get to know us: “We had a commitment ceremony in March of 2009. Surrounded by friends and family it was the most significant day of my life. Officiated by the minister and held in an old Baptist Church (now Mercury Hall), I knew that our lives and relationship would be different because of the ceremony and participation of so many who loved us. But it was also the most insignificant day. Insignificant because, despite the outward appearance as a “wedding”, it wasn’t. In 2009, DOMA was still in effect and Texas did not recognize same-sex marriages. Not in our state. Not from another state.

Fast forward to 2013. Alisa had planned a trip to NYC for us to see “Ann” off Broadway. That same week, DOMA was overturned and states that had marriage equality (New York) was one now had federal support to recognize their unions. Alisa propsed via Facebook…and I accepted…via voicemail. We are a very 21st century couple!” Lynn Yeldell, July 4, 2015

