Oh Hey, Santa Fe!


Since L Style G Style went digital, we have a unique opportunity to connect with surrounding communities and develop new networks and partnerships within them like never before. Our goal is to bring what we have accomplished in the Austin, Texas LGBT community and duplicate it around the country. There are so many amazing stories just waiting to be told and we can’t wait to share them. So we mapped out different cities to get to know and first up was Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Santa Fe shares a very similar approach to their LGBT community as Austin does with its LGBT community, so this was a terrific city to visit and launch our new partnership program. Santa Fe has a deep appreciation for history, culture, diversity and community and it recognizes that LGBT Santa Feans are an active and visible part of what makes the city so special. This strong sense of inclusion was a huge reason L Style G Style decided to visit and start something magical. We connected with the Convention and Visitors Bureau and well as with the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce to discuss ways of building upon what already exists so we can then capture the stories of LGBT and LGBT-friendly people and places so folks around the world, our readers, can better know Santa Fe’s LGBT community.

As L Style G Style begins to tell the stories of LGBT Santa Feans, our hope is that more and more LGBT folks around the world will want to experience Santa Fe for themselves. It’s important for LGBT folks to know which cities are welcoming because, unfortunately, there still exists real fear and real discrimination. It’s through reading personal and profound stories from business owners, restaurants, resorts, art galleries, jewelers, clothiers – you name it – that give us real insight on the people and places that have arms wide open for us. L Style G Style is so proud to share stories of folks that support and celebrate the LGBT community in any city.

For now, we look forward to exploring Santa Fe and connecting its vibrant LGBT community with our readership. We hope these stories inspire you to visit and get to know Santa Fe for yourself.

