Festival: Texas Book Festival


Picture it: Over 280 authors, book signings galore, readings, and panel discussions featuring writers from across the country. Nearly 40,000 people are expected to attend the Texas Book Festival when it kicks off around the Capitol grounds this Saturday. Established in 1995 by former First Lady Laura Bush, the festival honors a plethora of Texas authors, hosts writers and publishers from across the nation, and celebrates the joy of reading and literature.

This year, the festival boasts an impressive line-up of authors, over 100 with ties to Texas, including Austin residents Doug Dorst, author of S., a collaborative effort with J.J. Abrams, novelist Sarah Bird, and Pulitzer Prize winner Lawrence Wright. LGBT authors who will be in attendance include New York Times columnist Charles Blow, Fat Angie author e.E Charlton Trujillo (screening her documentary, At Risk Summer Movie), Ruby author Cynthia Bond, and food writer Kate Payne. The LGBT community can also look for books such as Uncertain Ground, a novel set in the 1950’s Galveston exploring 50’s prejudices, homosexuality being one, and The Freedom in American Songs, a story collection spotlighting small-town gay teens and more. The Texas Book Festival will also feature live music, local food, and children’s activities.

Burning Question

How often do you judge a book by its cover?


books, reading glasses, pages, covers


Oct. 25-26, 10 am
State Capitol Building

Check out our coverage from last year’s Texas Book Festival:



Texas Book Festival: Q&A with Owen Egerton

Local legend Owen Egerton is one of the comedic talents behind the Alamo Drafthouse’s acclaimed Master Pancake Theater, as well as a prolific screenwriter…

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Texas Book Festival: A Very Texas Panel and Preview of Dallas Noir

The Texas Book Festival began in 1995 with Laura Bush wanting to honor and celebrate Texas authors. Almost two decades later, the Texas Book…

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Texas Book Festival: Q&A With Amy Rose Capetta

Entangled is author Amy Rose Capetta’s debut novel. She took some time to sit down with L Style G Style during the Texas Book Festival…

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Texas Book Festival: Q&A With Alexandra Coutts

Tumble and Fall is Young Adult author Alexandra Coutts’ third book. She took some time out of her day at the 2013 Texas Book…

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