Community: Turn It Up For Change


It’s time to Turn It Up For Change. This Election Day, W Austin is partnering with the Austin chapter of Human Rights Campaign (HRC) for the very first Turn It Up For Change event. Tonight, Austinites are invited to an election viewing party in the downtown hotel’s Screened Porch to watch results from the 2014 election. The event also features W Austin’s primetime happy hour launch, a late night happy hour featuring half-price signature drinks and food.

W Hotels of North America, proud supporters of equality, and HRC, America’s largest civil rights organization seeking LGBT equality, have teamed up to “amplify awareness and support for marriage equality in all 50 states,” with the Turn It Up For Change program. As part of the program, W Austin and HRC host monthly fundraising events supporting marriage equality.

Burning Question

How do you celebrate your victory or defeat?


votes, polls, Election Day, ballots, happy hour, viewing party


Nov. 4, 7-10pm
W Austin (Screened Porch)

