The Q Austin Book Club Kickoff


The organization that has been successfully building a safe and affirming community for LGBTQ men in Austin is introducing yet another social event to empower its community. This week, The Q Austin kicks off their new book club, designed to support queer authors and literature that explores queer culture and issues surrounding the LGBT community. Each month the group will read a designated book, provided by The Q Austin, and meet to examine and discuss themes and ideas from the reading over food and drinks.

To kick off the book club, The Q Austin will be reading its first selection, Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore’s Why Are Faggots So Afraid of Faggots?: Flaming Challenges to Masculinity, Objectification and the Desire to Conform. With its candid title and rave reviews to back it up, the book analyzes and exposes hierarchies within the gay community, the challenges existing in mainstream gay norms and other themes dealing with assimilation, accountability and visions for change.

Burning Question

What book would you suggest for The Q Austin Book Club?


readers, queer literature, books, clubs, socials


Sat. Feb. 28, 2 – 4pm

2906 Medical Arts St.

More information here

photo credit: 2011-01-26 UX Book Club via photopin (license)

