social justice


Shortly after Eliza Byard graduated from high school, the Supreme Court issued its (since reversed) decision in Bowers vs. Hardwick that outlawed sex between...


Cecile Richards has social justice in her genetic code. As the daughter of the late Governor Ann Richards, and the president of Planned Parenthood...


When you’re visiting the doctor, whether it’s because of severe allergies, the common cold, or simply for a basic checkup, you are fundamentally unguarded....


Molly Ivins was known in her time for pulling no punches and taking our political leaders to task with her fact-based, irreverent and always...


Saturday, June 5, will be a landmark for Megan Hodge that she’s unlikely to soon forget. At noon that day, she’ll celebrate her graduation...


It’s not that Dave Steakley wants people to see the world the way he does. He doesn’t care if audiences agree with his politics or...


Several years ago, Miramar Dichoso, a New York native, moved to Dallas with her partner Sheree. But the city did not seem a good...


Entering Theatre Action Project’s 1,600-square-foot labyrinthine office in East Austin, the first thing most visitors notice is an abundance of color. Vividly decorated creatures...

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