

This past weekend marked the 14th Hill Country Ride for AIDS, which brought 400 riders out to raise a total of $389,654 (as of April...


I had the opportunity to write recently about the Sustainable Food Center and all the exciting changes going on there. As Brenda Thompson, an...


I recently talked with the folks at the Texas GSA Network, a program of Austin's Out Youth. The GSA Network helps students around the...


At the beginning of this month, sequestration cuts officially went into effect on a federal level. Touted by the Obama administration as a devastating...


One of the great things about Austin is the number of people who are engaged and passionate about making the community a better place....


This week I had lunch with Lew Aldridge, founder of The Octopus Club. Over plates of pad thai and pad puk at a sunny...


This year many AIDS service organizations, often referred to as "ASO's" by those in the world of public health, are celebrating big milestones. The...


It's hard not to smile at the clientele waiting for a vet visit at Animal Trustees of Austin, some animating their anxiety with nervous...

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