

If you’ve lived in Austin for more than a few weeks, chances are good that you’ve come across a farmer’s market, a food trailer...


Cathy Cochran-Lewis takes pleasure in savoring the true nuances and flavors in food while also caring about where it came from and who created...


One of the great things about Austin is the number of people who are engaged and passionate about making the community a better place....


Sometimes, a glass of wine and a plate of gourmet food can make the world a better place. And if that wine and dinner...


This week I had lunch with Lew Aldridge, founder of The Octopus Club. Over plates of pad thai and pad puk at a sunny...


It's hard not to smile at the clientele waiting for a vet visit at Animal Trustees of Austin, some animating their anxiety with nervous...


In the fall of 2012, I visited a Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas clinic on East 7th Street as part of an L Style...


Necessity is the mother of invention, the saying goes, and in the case of AssistHers, it was necessity plus compassion that formed the organization. The...

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