May/June 2011


“My son is easily the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” said David Parson. Parson, who has received his share of professional plaudits as...


Fatherhood has given Jay Billig a unique understanding of and appreciation for the concept of synchronicity–that everyone and everything is connected. As the tenth...


Earlier this year I was shopping for some art work for my office when I stumbled across one of those cliché-type quotes nicely framed...


The Cardio Queen, the treadmill troopers: We’ve all seen them. Day after day doing cardio. When we go for a workout, we want inspiration...


Suzan-Lori Parks exudes the kind of confidence and intellectualism that you can’t help but be caught up in. her latest work, The Book of...


In Texas, the deadline to assert legal rights as a co-parent is ninety days after the loss of physical custody of the child. In...


It was on a car ride in Hays County that Rebecca Benz had a moment of Zen related to her job. Benz, the executive...


You may have been looking in from the outside with one eyebrow raised the first time you saw wine on tap. What is going...

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