Kate Harrington


Dawn Moore knows a good kitchen when she sees one. As architects tend to be, she’s part pragmatist and part artist, with definite opinions...


One of the beautiful things about architecture, Emily Little has learned, is that it doesn’t take broad strokes to make important changes. Take, for...


Think of yoga, and the first images that spring to mind may include a colorful yoga mat, trendy workout clothes and a cozy studio....


A client once gave Tim Cuppett a quote, painted on a rock, from the 18th century English poet Alexander Pope that states: “Consult the...


There was a time in Jason Howell’s life when he assumed he would do what generations before him had: work on his family’s cattle...


Karen Gross and the people at the Anti- Defamation League are cracking down on all forms of discrimination. Karen Gross is, in her own words,...


Darin Upchurch is one of 55 newly minted leadership Austin alums who are fired up about taking an active role in the community. A year...


Walk into the Austin Film Festival’s cozy East Austin headquarters, and the first thing you’ll notice is that employees are everywhere in the house-turned-into-office–...

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