Sister’s Easter Catechism Kicks Off the Season


Never mind the typical way of celebrating Easter – staining your fingers with Easter egg dye, buying tons of chocolate to line Easter baskets, the works. Instead, join the Long Center as they kick off the Easter season with Sister’s Easter Catechism: Will My Bunny Go To Heaven?

The latest of the “Late Nite Catechism” series, a hilarious, long-running comedy play headed by your favorite (and fictitious) Catholic nun, Sister’s Easter Catechism answers all the age-old questions of the season like, “Why isn’t Easter the same day every year like Christmas?” and  “Will My Bunny Go To Heaven?” Sister uncovers the origins of Easter bunnies, Easter eggs, Easter bonnets, decorative baskets filled with delicious Easter Peeps and more. Bring your Easter spirit and be prepared for a sinfully funny experience.

Burning Question

What gets you into the Easter spirit?


Easter, eggs, church, celebration, Easter bunnies, Peeps


Sister’s Easter Catechism

The Long Center, Austin TX
03/27-29/2015 | Times vary

