Give To Someone Who Has Given So Much


I am drawn to the beautiful heart and energy of Robert “Seabrook” Jones. There is a special light around him that just shines bright.

Sadly, no matter what you want to do or say in this particular situation you can’t make cancer go away. What are my raw feelings? Fuck Cancer. It’s gotten the best of someone many of us love and admire and there is little we can do and we feel helpless.

For those of you who don’t know Seabrook, he is a producer, writer, director and editor for entertainment, documentary, news, marketing and multimedia projects. He was born in Kansas in September of 1961 and spent his formative years in Holland, Japan, Spain, Belgium and Great Britain. He went to college in Delaware and then landed in San Francisco until finally arriving in Austin in 1995.

I first met Seabrook in 2006. He’s gifted his talents to many charities and nonprofits, including the Austin Public Library, Texas Freedom Network, Hill Country Ride for AIDS, AIDS Services of Austin, Octopus Club, Hospice Austin, ZACH Theatre, Faith in Practice, Center for Child Protection and many more.

We all are touched by someone with cancer. I am touched by Seabrook and hope you will join me in making a donation to him and his family to help with the expenses that overwhelm him. He is an extension of the L Style G Style family and I ask for contributions out of love. May love lift you.

